Learn Multiplayer Game Development In Godot

Learn Multiplayer Game Development In Godot

Learn Multiplayer Game Development In Godot - 
Make Multiplayer Godot Games With Ubuntu Server

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In this course we learn how to code a multiplayer game project using the Godot game engine and the Ubuntu Server.

The first project is the game project where we learn how to

import 3D model and animations in Godot,

retarget the animations,

setup the game environment,

create a third person character,

setup main and pause menu user interface,

connecting to the game server and

sharing/receiving the data from the game server.

The second project is the game server project where we learn how to

setup the multiplayer peer in Godot,

define the rpc calls for the both ends of the game,

connecting multiple players in the game world and

sharing data with them about other player's transforms, animations and names.

We also learn how we can

host our game server on a local machine where I also give some hints on web hosting providers online,

download & install the Ubuntu Server on a local machine,

download and use FileZilla to share files from our computer to the Ubuntu Server,

download and use Putty to connect to and control our Ubuntu Server,

export the game server Godot project as a dedicated,

uploading the dedicated server pck file and running it on the Ubuntu Server.

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