Excel Formulas & Functions - Find Answers in Your Excel Data

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Excel Formulas & Functions - Find Answers in Your Excel Data, Excel Training-How to Use Formulas and Functions in Excel Spreadsheets-Learn on Excel 2010, Excel 2013, or Excel 2016

Created by Steve McDonald

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What Will I Learn?
  • Identify formulas and functions and know the difference between the two.
  • Locate and use any of the functions in Excel using various methods, such as the Formula Tab.
  • Use the 7 most important Excel functions in common spreadsheet computations.
  • Understand the important difference between Absolute and Relative cell references to increase your computing power.
  • Identify the various parts of an Excel formula so you can create or modify formulas to fit your needs.
  • Use the SUM function in Excel
  • Use AVERAGE and AVERAGEA functions in Excel
  • Use COUNT and COUNTA functions in Excel
  • Use IF functions in Excel
  • Use SUMIF and SUMIFS functions in Excel
  • Use COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions in Excel
  • Use VLOOKUP in Excel
  • Use LEFT, RIGHT and MID functions in Excel

  • A basic knowledge of how to use Excel is needed. I recommend first taking my beginning course called Easy Excel Basics for Beginners - Learn Quickly and Easily. That will give you enough background to be ready to learn more about Formulas and Functions.
  • This course was created using Excel 2010, but all of the information is suitable for other versions of Excel as well, such as Excel 2013 or Excel 2016.
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