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Ethical Hacking Practical Training Course, Learn how to use Ethical Hacking tools and Hack websites, find bugs and earn rewards.
Created by Core Hubs
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What Will I Learn?
- Learn How Ethical Hacking is carried out
- Avoid being attacked by Phishing Attacks by Hackers
- Brute Force Attack
- Hack Windows Machine and Android Device over WAN (Wide Area Network)
- Install and Configure NGROK on Termux
- Install Ubuntu on Android Device
- Find Vulnerable Websites for Practising Ethical Hacking
- Denial of Service(DOS) Attack (It should be done on Testing Websites only) and Phishing Attack.
- Hack Website using SQLMap Tool
- Writing and Executing C, C++, Python programs on Android phone
- Take part in Bug Bounty Programs
- Access Database stored on Servers