Linear Algebra and Geometry 1

Linear Algebra and Geometry 1

Systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vectors, and geometry of straight lines and planes in the 3-space

Linear Algebra and Geometry 1

Systems of equations, matrices, vectors, and geometry

Chapter 1: Systems of linear equations

S1. Introduction to the course

S2. Some basic concepts

You will learn: some basic concepts that will be used in this course. Most of them are known from high-school courses in mathematics, some of them are new; the latter will appear later in the course and will be treated more in depth then.

S3. Systems of linear equations; building up your geometrical intuition

You will learn: some basic concepts about linear equations and systems of linear equations; geometry behind systems of linear equations.

S4. Solving systems of linear equations; Gaussian elimination

You will learn: solve systems of linear equations using Gaussian elimination (and back-substitution) and Gauss--Jordan elimination in cases of systems with unique solutions, inconsistent systems, and systems with infinitely many solutions (parameter solutions).

S5. Some applications in mathematics and natural sciences

You will learn: how systems of linear equations are used in other branches of mathematics and in natural sciences.

Chapter 2: Matrices and determinants

S6. Matrices and matrix operations

You will learn: the definition of matrices and their arithmetic operations (matrix addition, matrix subtraction, scalar multiplication, matrix multiplication). Different kinds of matrices (square matrices, triangular matrices, diagonal matrices, zero matrices, identity matrix).

S7. Inverses; Algebraic properties of matrices

You will learn: use matrix algebra; the definition of the inverse of a matrix.

S8. Elementary matrices and a method for finding A inverse

You will learn: how to compute the inverse of a matrix with Gauss-Jordan elimination (Jacobi’s method).

S9. Linear systems and matrices

You will learn: about the link between systems of linear equations and matrix multiplication.

S10. Determinants

You will learn: the definition of the determinant; apply the laws of determinant arithmetics, particularly the multiplicative property and the expansion along a row or a column; solving equations involving determinants; the explicite formula for solving of n-by-n systems of linear equations (Cramer's rule), the explicite formula for inverse to a non-singular matrix.

Chapter 3: Vectors and their products

S11. Vectors in 2-space, 3-space, and n-space

You will learn: apply and graphically illustrate the arithmetic operations for vectors in the plane; apply the arithmetic operations for vectors in R^n.
S12. Distance and norm in R^n

You will learn: compute the distance between points in R^n and norms of vectors in R^n, normalize vectors.

S13. Dot product, orthogonality, and orthogonal projections

You will learn: definition of dot product and the way you can use it for computing angles between geometrical vectors.

S14. Cross product, parallelograms and parallelepipeds

You will learn: definition of cross product and interpretation of 3-by-3 determinants as the volume of a parallelepiped in the 3-space.

Chapter 4: Analytical geometry of lines and planes

S15. Lines in R^2

You will learn: several ways of describing lines in the plane (slope-intercept equation, intercept form, point-vector equation, parametric equation) and how to compute other kinds of equations given one of the equations named above.

S16. Planes in R^3

You will learn: several ways of describing planes in the 3-spaces (normal equation, intercept form, parametric equation) and how to compute other kinds of equations given one of the equations named above.

S17. Lines in R^3

You will learn: several ways of describing lines in the 3-space (point-vector equation, parametric equation, standard equation) and how to compute other kinds of equations given one of the equations named above.

S18. Geometry of linear systems; incidence between lines and planes

You will learn: determine the equations for a line and a plane and how to use these for computing intersections by solving systems of equations.

S19. Distance between points, lines, and planes

You will learn: determine the equations for a line and a plane and how to use these for computing distances.

S20. Some words about the next course

You will learn: about the content of the second course.

S21. Extras

You will learn: about all the courses we offer. You will also get a glimpse into our plans for future courses, with approximate (very hypothetical!) release dates.

Make sure that you check with your professor what parts of the course you will need for your final exam. Such things vary from country to country, from university to university, and they can even vary from year to year at the same university.

A detailed description of the content of the course, with all the 222 videos and their titles, and with the texts of all the 175 problems solved during this course, is presented in the resource file

“001 Outline_Linear_Algebra_and_Geometry_1.pdf”

under video 1 ("Introduction to the course"). This content is also presented in video 1.

Who this course is for:
  • University and college engineering

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