Spring Framework 6: Beginner to Guru

Spring Framework 6: Beginner to Guru

Spring Framework 6: Beginner to Guru - 
Learn All Things Spring! Spring Framework 6, Spring Boot 3, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Spring WebFlux

This course is All Things Spring!

Do you wish to master Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3? Then this is the course for you.

This course is for developers with no previous Spring Framework or Spring Boot experience.

This course has been developed by a back end developer, for back end developers!

Inside this course, you will learn about:

Build a Spring Boot Web App

Use Spring for Dependency Injection

Create RESTful Web Services with Spring MVC

Create RESTful Web Services with Spring Webflux

Create RESTful Web Services with Spring Webflux.fn

Learn Best Practices using Project Lombok with Spring

Create MapStruct Mappers as Spring Components

Spring MockMVC with Mockito and JUnit 5

Spring Data JPA

Spring Data MongoDB

Spring Data R2DBC (Reactive)

Spring RestTemplate

Spring WebClient

Spring WebTestClient

Spring Security HTTP Basic Authentication

Spring Security OAuth2 Authentication w/ JWT

Spring Authorization Server

Spring WebMVC OAuth2 Resource Server

Spring WebFlux OAuth2 Resource Server

Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Boot Maven Plugin

Spring Boot Gradle Plugin

Use Java Bean Validation with Spring

Spring Boot Auto-Configuration with MySQL

Use Spring Boot and Flyway for Database Migrations

Hibernate Database Relationship Mapping with Spring Data JPA

Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Students enrolling in the course can receive a free 4 month trial license to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience using the Java IDE preferred by Spring Framework professionals! 

Course Extra - Access to a Private Slack Community

You're not just enrolling in a course --> You are joining a community learning Spring.

With your enrollment to the course, you can access an exclusive Slack community. Get help from the instructor and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - in real time! This community is only available to students enrolled in this course. 

This is a very active Slack community with over 18,700 Spring Framework Gurus!

This is the largest online community of people learning Spring in the world.

With your enrollment, you can join this community of awesome gurus!

Closed Captioning / Subtitles

Closed captioning in English is available for all course videos!

PDF Downloads

All keynote presentations are available for you to download as PDFs.

Lifetime Access

When you purchase this course, you will receive lifetime access! You can login anytime from anywhere to access the course content.

No Risk - Money Back Guarantee 

You can buy this course with no risk. If you are unhappy with the course, for any reason, you can get a complete refund. The course has a 30 day Money Back Guarantee.

Who this course is for:
  • This course is ideal for Java developers who wish to use the Spring Framework for enterprise application development

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