75+ Python Programming Interview Questions: LeetCode & FAANG

75+ Python Programming Interview Questions: LeetCode & FAANG

 75+ Python Programming Interview Questions: LeetCode & FAANG, Crack the Python Programming Interview with this Comprehensive Set of Interview Prep Questions

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Welcome to an immersive journey into Python programming, specifically designed to help you ace your next technical interview!

This comprehensive course offers you the chance to elevate your Python programming skills by working through 75+ interview questions, spanning a spectrum from entry-level to advanced challenges. Every problem is carefully handpicked to mirror the type of questions frequently asked in real-world interviews, especially for renowned tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook (collectively known as FAANG).

This course provides a complete tour of essential coding interview topics, including but not limited to:

Recursion: Unlock the power of the function calling itself.

Dynamic Programming: Learn the art of solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler, manageable sub-problems.

Linked Lists: Dive into the fundamentals of linked lists and how to manipulate them.

Trees: Master various types of tree data structures, their traversals, and common problems.

Binary Search: Understand this efficient search algorithm on sorted arrays.

Stacks and Queues: Explore these fundamental data structures and their applications.

Backtracking: Solve puzzles with this algorithmic technique for finding all solutions by incremental construction of candidates leading towards a solution.

Heaps: Learn about this special tree-based data structure.

Sorting and Searching: Grasp various sorting algorithms and their efficiencies.

Moreover, the course is laden with first-hand interview experiences, encompassing exact questions encountered during coding interviews I faced at companies like Microsoft and Apple. To keep the content fresh and relevant, new exercises will be added every month.

Whether you're a beginner in Python programming aiming to learn problem-solving strategies or an experienced developer desiring to enhance your coding abilities, this course is meticulously structured to suit all levels.

Who this course is for:

  • Computer Science students who want to gain a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms for their coursework and future careers.
  • Aspiring Software Developers and Engineers who want to ace coding interviews and secure job offers from top tech companies.
  • Anyone interested in competitive programming and wants to improve their ranking and performance in coding contests.

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