Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp 2023


Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp 2023

Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp 2023 - Learn Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) and Python with Tensorflow, Pandas & more!

I found a course on Udemy called Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Bootcamp that was just updated this month with the latest trends and skills for 2023. The course is taught by industry experts that have actually worked for large companies.

The course is focused on efficiency: never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete Machine Learning and Data Science tutorials again. Graduates of this course are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies

Complete Python Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery

What you'll learn

  • Become a Data Scientist and get hired
  • Master Machine Learning and use it on the job
  • Deep Learning, Transfer Learning and Neural Networks using the latest Tensorflow 2.0
  • Use modern tools that big tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Meta use
  • Present Data Science projects to management and stakeholders
  • Learn which Machine Learning model to choose for each type of problem
  • Real life case studies and projects to understand how things are done in the real world
  • Learn best practices when it comes to Data Science Workflow
  • Implement Machine Learning algorithms
  • Learn how to program in Python using the latest Python 3
  • How to improve your Machine Learning Models
  • Learn to pre process data, clean data, and analyze large data.
  • Build a portfolio of work to have on your resume
  • Developer Environment setup for Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • Machine Learning on Time Series data
  • Explore large datasets using data visualization tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn
  • Explore large datasets and wrangle data using Pandas
  • Learn NumPy and how it is used in Machine Learning
  • A portfolio of Data Science and Machine Learning projects to apply for jobs in the industry with all code and notebooks provided
  • Learn to use the popular library Scikit-learn in your projects
  • Learn about Data Engineering and how tools like Hadoop, Spark and Kafka are used in the industry
  • Learn to perform Classification and Regression modelling
  • Learn how to apply Transfer Learning

Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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