Interactive Web Animation 2021 [ JavaScript SVG CSS & HTML ]

Interactive Web Animations [JavaScript, SVG, CSS & HTML]
Interactive Web Animations [JavaScript, SVG, CSS & HTML], Complete Guide to Web Animations in Web Development 2020[CSS Animations -- > SVG Animations -- > JavaScript Animations].
Highest Rated
Created by
Alexandr Tyurin


Interactive Web Animations [JavaScript, SVG, CSS & HTML]
1. History of Web Animations

2. CSS Animations
- CSS Animation properties
- CSS Keyframe rule
- CSS Transitions

3. SVG Animations
- SVG Animation elements
- Attribute to identify the target element for an animation
- Attributes to control the timing of the animation
- Attributes that define animation values ​​over time
- Attributes that control whether animations are additive
- SVG elements, attributes and properties that can be animated, and we will also learn Interface Time Event
- Interactivity features in SVG

4. JavaScript Animations
- getElementById() method
- Call planning method setinterval()
- addEventListener() method
- getAttribute & setAttribute methods
- How to penetrate the complex SVG attributes of elements using regular expressions
- 3d positioning
- The functions of constructors
- Creation of SVG primitives
- Сreating arrays of objects, managing their properties
- Capabilities of Web Animation using masks & clip path
- Web Animations API
- Combination of animation techniques

All practical examples of animations in this course are available for download and experiment.

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