Complete React JS web developer with ES6 - Build 10 projects

Complete React JS web developer with ES6 - Build 10 projects
Complete React JS web developer with ES6 - Build 10 projects, Master react JS, ES6, firebase, Auth0. Along with reactjs basics, create 10 projects
Created by Igneus Technologies
English [Auto-generated]


UPDATE: React Router version 4 videos are now added.

Hi and welcome to react JS course. 

React is a library by Facebook to create web applications that are fast, modular and everything can be done with just Javascript.

Now, before you get bore with this text, as you are a video learner, let me talk about projects of this course.

This course will first cover local installation and react basics. After that we will create 10 projects.

Project 1 - Create react app manually.
Project 2 - Converting a simple Blog into react components
Project 3 - Timer App
Project 4 - Sales cart in Single Page Application
Project 5 - Usurvery with Firebase database
Project 6 - Firebase Login Setup
Project 7 - Google Sign in with Firebase
Project 8 - Reddit API with axios 
Project 9 - Auth0 login System
Project 10 - Github API with Fetch and Auth0 login system
Ideal student for this course:

This course is perfect for someone who has little knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript. We are not saying that you need to be guru of javascript but little concepts like Loops and functions should be familiar to you. If you know ES6 that’s great, if not, don’t worry, ES6 is also covered in this course.
React is having very high demand in market. One of the top most searched subject on stack overflow. Most of high performance apps are created using react. If you want to stand apart from react, for sure you need to get familiar with react.

Also, if you are looking to move in react-native app development, that path goes with react js. Once you are familiar with concepts like JSX, props and states; same concepts are applied in react native too. And moving into react-native would be just a piece of cake.

Still, thinking about taking this course or not, we highly recommend to check a few projects mentioned in course introduction and free preview.

See you inside the course !

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