ASP.NET CORE and C# REST API With Real World Projects, Learn How To Build Real World, Production Ready REST APIs Using Asp.Net Core and C#
Created by Ebenezer Ogbu
English [Auto-generated]
This is a no holds barred, action packed course, titled ASP.NET CORE 3.1 and C# REST API with Real World Projects. The course takes you through the complete process of building a production ready REST API using the latest version ASP.NET CORE. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.
Your prospective employer wants you to come onboard and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 120 Lectures, I did not leave any stone unturned!!
Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Two Main Themes:
Introduction to Web API
Where I introduced how Web APIs work and how Asp.Net Core implements Web APIs
The Real World Projects
Where I built Two SOLID Real-World REST API Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry.
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