AWS Lambda API on AWS In Node Js & Database NoSQL DynamoDB

AWS Lambda API on AWS In Node Js & Database NoSQL DynamoDB
AWS Lambda API on AWS In Node Js & Database NoSQL DynamoDB, Hands on to learn Amazon AWS to create your APIs with AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda with Node JS and AWS DynamoDB
NEW, Created by Carlos Medger, English, English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • What is AWS API Gateway
  • What is AWS Lambda
  • What is AWS DynamoDB
  • Integration with API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB
  • How to get logs in AWS CloudWatch
  • Create a Serverless API
  • How to use AWS API Gateway
  • How to use AWS Lambda
  • How to use AWS DynamoDB

Course for anyone who'd like to learn about AWS and how to use API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS IAM, AWS DynamoDB and AWS CloudWatch.

If you have some knowgment is good to see about this new version of product and if are you new is perfect to start to learning.

This is first module of other 2 that's I'm working on it to as soon publish.

After you completed this course, you will able to create your APIs and Serverless Apps using Amazon with API Gateway with Lambda, insert your data in DynamoDB and check your logs in CloudWatch.