Python 3 Complete Masterclass - Make Your Job Tasks Easier!, Become a Python Developer from scratch and automate your job tasks with Python 3. New content each month! Updated 2019.
- Created by Mihai Catalin Teodosiu, Python Developer, Python Tutorial I/O
- English
- English [Auto-generated], Italian [Auto-generated]
- 11.5 hours on-demand video
- 130 articles
- 24 downloadable resources
- 50 coding exercises
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
What you'll learn
- You will GAIN CONFIDENCE when asking your manager for a RAISE or going to any Junior or Intermediate Python Developer INTERVIEW.
- You will ultimately GAIN REAL-LIFE SKILLS: Excel Task Automation, Database Task Automation, Network Task Automation. No silly little games, no useless apps, no filler content!
- You will MASTER all the Python 3 key concepts starting FROM SCRATCH. No prior Python knowledge is required.
- You will get FREE NEW VIDEO LECTURES and RESOURCES ONCE A MONTH and learn the latest Python 3 concepts and use cases.
- You will have MY FULL SUPPORT for every course-related question or suggestion, plus the help of the community.
- You will have LIFETIME ACCESS TO COURSE UPDATES and new content, anytime, anywhere, on any device.
- You will be able to apply for and get involved in most Python 3 PROJECTS.
- You will be able to work with the Python interpreter and Python scripts.
- You will be able to work with Python strings and string methods.
- You will be able to work with Python lists, list methods and ranges.
- You will be able to work with Python sets, set methods and frozensets.
- You will be able to work with Python tuples and tuple methods.
- You will be able to work with Python dictionaries and dictionary methods.
- You will be able to work with Python control flow structures (if, for, while, break, continue, pass, exceptions, try-except-else-finally blocks).
- You will learn everything about properly handling syntax errors and exceptions in Python 3.
- You will be able to work with Python functions, namespaces and modules.
- You will be able to work with Python file operations: create, read, write, append, truncate, close.
- You will be able to work with Python patterns and regular expressions.
- You will be able to work with Python classes, objects and inheritance.
- You will be able to work with advanced Python tools (comprehensions, lambda functions, threading basics, iterators, generators, decorators).
- You will be able to apply the Python 3 knowledge you get from this course in quizzes, coding exercises and real-life scenarios.
- You will build a scientific, interactive calculator with a user menu and advanced math operations available.
- You will be able to work with Microsoft Excel files and automate boring spreadsheet-related tasks using Python 3.
- You will be able to work with PostgreSQL databases and automate boring database-related tasks using Python 3.
- You will be able to work with network devices (switches/routers) and automate networking tasks using SSH.
- You will be able to work with Pandas to perform data analysis operations on TXT, CSV, JSON, XLSX, HTML files and SQL databases.
- You will get a Python 3 CHEAT SHEET filled with key concepts and examples.
- You will get a Python 3 200+ PAGES E-BOOK for free, to keep learning offline.
- You will learn 10 ways to earn money and build a portfolio with your Python skills.
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