AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam, 308 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Test Questions in 4 sets with Explanations and References
- Created by Jon Bonso, Tutorials Dojo
- English
- 4 Practice Tests
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional ( SAP-C00 ) is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share. Professionals can earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification!
In order for you to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, the exam blueprint, General IT, and AWS knowledge are key components that you have to learn and master. The 4 sets of AWS Solutions Architect Professional practice tests included in this course contains 77 questions per set, which simulates the actual exam. At the end of each set, you will also find comprehensive explanations and reference links that will further strengthen your knowledge of the AWS concepts needed to pass the AWS certification exam.
This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:
308 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 4 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 77 UNIQUE questions and a 170-minute time limit for each set.
SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Solutions Architect Professional certification exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam!
DETAILED EXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCE LINKS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations plus complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct.
COVERS ALL 8 EXAM DOMAINS - questions were designed to cover the 8 exam domains: (1) High Availability and Business Continuity, (2) Costing, (3) Deployment Management, (4) Network Design, (5) Data Storage, (6) Security, (7) Scalability and Elasticity, and (8) Cloud Migration and Hybrid Architecture.
UPDATED 1 TO 2 TIMES A MONTH - we have a dedicated team updating our question bank on a regular basis, based on the feedback of students on what appeared on the actual exam, as well as through external benchmarking.
Added AWS cheat sheets as additional reference for these topics - EC2, VPC, S3, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS OpsWorks, etc.
Added complexity in the scenarios - to keep it at par with the very difficult AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam.
NOTE: This practice test course is gradually being updated in preparation for the transition to and release of the Feb 2019 exam version.
ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from both instructors and students, giving you the opportunity to better understand the AWS services and concepts.
VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 48 hours.
CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement.
MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!
HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $40 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.
CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues.
Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who has actually passed the exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificate)
The questions in each set are carefully created and selected based on the 8 domains of the actual AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam. Out of the 8 domains, there are a lot more questions on Security, High Availability and Business Continuity, Data Storage, and Scalability and Elasticity, as these are the topics with the heaviest weight in the actual exam. Note that although there is a focus on these topics, the questions are all still unique, to ensure that you fully grasp the topic.
Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you to attain an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.
Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 500++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice tests are meant to do.
There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that is not only annoying but may also cause you to fail the actual exam. There's also the official certification practice exam provided by AWS but these only have a few questions and cost $40 USD -- a price that is more expensive than taking these 308 Unique and Timed AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice questions!
Just like in the Associate exam, when I was reviewing for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, I again had a hard time finding comprehensive AWS practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions. This is why I created these AWS practice tests - to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.
We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam. All the best!
These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice exams have a passing score of 70% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these sets again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Note that the AWS Certification exam passing score is not published by Amazon as it is set by using statistical analysis which may change without notice.
Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these AWS practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!
Who this course is for:
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associates who are planning to take the AWS CSA Professional exam
- Professionals who want to deepen their knowledge in AWS
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