Memory Based Bootcamp: JavaScript with Blockchain Project

Memory Based Bootcamp: JavaScript with Blockchain Project
Memory Based Bootcamp: JavaScript with Blockchain Project, Similar to Rosetta Stones and The Pimsleure Methods, I help you memorize coding using the space repetition technique.

  • Created by Mr. Lesly
  •  English
  •  English [Auto-generated]
  • 8 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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What you'll learn

  • This course will set you ready to take project based courses because you will remember how to write JavaScript.

Why Memory Based Learning?

Bootcamp that focus on ES6 JavaScript using the same technique as Rosetta Stones, Insanity, and Pimsleur Method.

This week, we will take your coding to a higher level by focusing on node.js. I need you to memorize them. Therefore, I will force them upon you. Respect the process and you will be alright.

Memory Based Learning Boot Camp Method Statement:

Our method is to focus on what you may consider as difficult first. That is why we start by teaching the back end side of programming. Then we slowly progress into teaching you the front ends. It is important that you follow our learning process. Because, many students are used to first learning html, css, etc. You become a master at those basic part of programming and you start to fear the rest. Our method asks you to face your fears. We will be with you as you do.

Our Curriculum is as follow:

Memory Based Learning: JavaScript References

Memory Based Learning: Node.js

Memory Based Learning: Express.js

Memory Based Learning: MongoDB and Mongoose

Memory Based Learning: Git and Github

Memory Based Learning: React and Redux

Memory Based Learning: NPM Open Source Projects

Memory Based Learning: Python
Memory Based Learning: Blockchain and Bitcoin

Here are a few problems with learning with online tutorials:

Course, Sections, and Lectures are too long, therefore students loose interest quickly..

Few hands on challenges.

unfamiliar territories.

too much explaining

not enough repetitions

here's how I tackle these challenges.

Sense of Completions: My videos are as short and precise as possible. I try to break each section per day and each day is about 1 to two  hours long. I keep my "everything" short because I need you to have a sense of completion. That way, you know you have finish and you can start on something new. This also makes it easier for you to take the course over and over again.

Challenge after each video: that's right, I challenge you to apply what you have learned after each lesson. I used the same technique as Pimsleure Method and Rosetta Stones... which is called the space repetition technique. This technique allow you to learn new things in portions, then I consistently ask you to recall what you learn while the time lapse between each lesson grew longer.

Place you in familiar territories: you learn new things surrounded by other things you already learned. This is very important because you can now relate new topics with topics that you already understood. This makes it easier to relate the material. For example, I teach you plenty of function statements, which make it easier to understand function expression, which makes it easier to under arrow functions, etc.

Teaching programming shouldn't be persuasive: If I start by trying to explain the "why"  in programming, you will be lost. Some people may not agree but it is true. Imagine explaining why to a child... they will not stop asking why. And after they exhaust all their why's, they will ask why am I not asking why? Therefore, I make sure you see it in perspective. I make sure you use it and you know when to use it. Then, later, you can learn "Why", and when that time come... it will be easier for you to say... I understand.

Recall, Recall, Recall: that's right. In this course, you will be writing more codes then you would from any other series. Because, this entire bootcamp is all about recalling what you learn previously. Just like a baby, you must see your mother, your toy, your dog, your bed, your bottle constantly. then you will start understanding how to climb the stairs, how to open the doors, etc.

As you can see, this course is a challenge. I will challenge you to set aside the norms. And focus on my strategy. Respect the process and  you will be alright.

Who this course is for:

  • Do you want to memorize JavaScript using the same method as Rosetta Stones and Pimsleur Methods? Then this course is for you!

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