JavaScript and React for Developers: Master the Essentials

JavaScript and React for Developers: Master the Essentials
JavaScript and React for Developers: Master the Essentials, Advance your JavaScript skills and learn the modern approach to web applications by building projects from the ground up

  • Created by Cassidy Williams
  •  English
  •  English [Auto-generated]
  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • 20 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion

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What you'll learn
  • Build modern web applications with JavaScript and React
  • Master core JavaScript concepts to nail a JavaScript-focused job interview
  • Explore the differences between package managers, build tools, and deployment options
  • Utilize real-world APIs to write portfolio-building projects

  • Before taking this course you should know how to read HTML and CSS and be able to write very basic JavaScript (if statements, loops, and objects).
  • In this course, I will help you install the necessary software, libraries, and tools on your computer. It will be helpful if you are comfortable with installing your own software and knowing a couple terminal commands (specifically mkdir and cd).
  • The ideal student would be eager to learn the theory behind certain aspects of the browser, JavaScript, and React, in addition to hands-on applications.

If you have some coding experience under your belt, but you want to take your web development skills to the next level, this course is for you.  This is a comprehensive introduction to the deeper ins-and-outs of JavaScript, and the modern, increasingly popular framework, React.

Whether you are a student or working developer who only knows Java or Python, a wannabe developer who’s learning on their own, an applicant for a coding bootcamp, or a developer who hasn’t touched web technologies in a while, the concepts covered in this course will help you beef up your knowledge, your skills, your resume, and your portfolio.

In this course, you will:

Master fundamental JavaScript concepts like the DOM, Events and Callbacks, and AJAX

Call real-world APIs and parse the data in your own web projects

Work with the new features of the JavaScript language thanks to ES6

Use popular web tooling including npm, Yarn, Grunt, Gulp, and webpack

Study the ins and outs of React component lifecycles, state, properties, and other core React concepts

Build modern web projects with React

Deploy your web applications online for the world to see

Take real-world interview practice quizzes as you build your knowledge

You’ll be practicing your skills through quizzes and by building both simple and complex projects in this course, including but not limited to a website theme toggler, a NASA Image Search site, a personal portfolio site, and a markdown note manager.  Each of these projects are expandable in a way where you can customize it to your heart’s content, perfect for your own portfolios. The quizzes cover actual interview questions as well as topics you’ll see throughout your front-end development career. By the end of this course, you should feel comfortable doing a JavaScript job interview.

Who is the target audience?
  • People who want to build modern web applications with React
  • Intermediate-level developers (students or professional developers who know some programming, not necessarily JavaScript, but can understand the syntax and very basics of JS)
  • Wannabe developers who have finished tutorials on Codecademy (or similar) and want a deeper dive into JavaScript
  • Developers who want to build their resume material with a modern framework
  • People interested in applying to join a coding bootcamp
  • Former web developers who haven’t used JavaScript in 4+ years
  • Web developers who want a refresher on core JavaScript concepts and how to use React
  • College students who want to try their hand at web programming
  • This course is NOT for people with no coding experience. You should be able to understand the basic syntax of JavaScript (objects, conditionals, loops)

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