Complete Career Transition Guide for Data Science/ Analytics

Complete Career Transition Guide for Data Science/ Analytics
A step-by-step guide by Analytics leaders with Fortune 100 experience. On completion, get a FREE 1-on-1 session with me.

Publisher : Nader Hantash
Course Length : 5 hours
Course Language : English

Are you analytical in nature? Are you a problem solver? Does the “why” behind things intrigue you? Then analytics might be your true passion.This course will help you evaluate whether this career is right for you and if so, how you can transition into an analytics career with ease, without making any mistakes. The course will also cover the top 10 Business questions you should be able to solve on the first day of your job.

This course also introduces you to a powerful data to decisions framework "BADIR" which is the framework of choice for Fortune 100 companies for better impact.

In the end, you will get a no strings attached $250 free gift.
Note: This course is a precursor to our complete Career Transition paid program. If you like our approach to analytics career transition and how we have helped hundreds transition, we would welcome you to join our complete career transition program. The free gift is not attached to the paid course and you can use it any time you wish.

Who is the target audience?

  • Professionals looking to change their career to analytics
  • This course is all about how to change your career into analytics.

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