Microsoft Excel Intermediate

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Microsoft Excel Intermediate, Learn Excel Intermediate from Microsoft Certified Trainer.

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What Will I Learn?
  • Using Microsoft Excel above beginner's level


This course is designed for Clerks, Officers, Executives, Supervisors, Administrators, Managers of all levels; and personnel who already know and understand and want to further enhance their knowledge and practical uses of Microsoft Excel.

Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel is essential with the following pre-requisites:
Have attended Microsoft Excel – Foundation Level; OR
Able to switch between task applications
Able to create a spreadsheet with simple formatting
Able to create a basic chart
Able to print a spreadsheet with headers and footers added
Able to apply Freeze Pane command
Able to create basic formulas – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
Able to use basic functions – AutoSum, Count, Max, Min and Average functions.
Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:

Create simple to complex formulas and functions, like:
COUNTIF Function
SUMIF Function
IF Function
VLOOKUP Function
Filter data using Auto Filters
Create Chart
Apply Conditional Formatting

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